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The use and benefits of Yohimbe HCL as Supplement Product:
- Yohimbe HCL is one of the most effective fat burner.
- Your diet is optimally supported by this Fatburn Booster.
- Yohimbe HCL, the potency in diabetic and heart patient recovers.
- yohimbe HCL is used for the treatment of angina and high blood pressure in the traditional medicine.
- Yohimbe HCL increases endurance.
- Yohimbe HCL sharpens perception and concentration.
- Yohimbe HCL improves general wellbeing tremendously.
- Yohimbe HCL is taken in capsules, characterized the active ingredient is not destroyed by stomach acid.
- Works well for fat loss.
- Yohimbe HCL as an effective way to lose weight.
- Yohimbe HCL is also suitable for women.
- Especially suitable for Bodybuildig.
When speaking of yohimbine – is usually Yohimbine HCL or Yohimbe HCL (HCL = hydrochloride) meant, unless it is a homeopathic agent.
Yohimbe and yohimbine are not the same. Yohimbine Supplement Product is obtained from the bark and yohimbe, the vegetable, natural but also weak form compared to yohimbine. Supplementing this is botanical having hydrochloride (HCL) this much stronger and more potent in its potency. The revenue is simpler and more effective, as purely herbal yohimbine is already destroyed shortly after taking the most part of the stomach acid. Yohimbe HCL Supplement Product remains stable and this is not destroyed in the stomach.
So if you want to benefit from the ingestion of yohimbine should absolutely access to HCL Yohimbe. Here, since the active ingredient of yohimbe HCL actually arrives in the body! Yohimbe is a dietary supplement also known as dietary supplement.
It is the ideal partner for bodybuilding’s. Started a Yohimbe HCL treatment and training boost. Studies testified that regular fitness and a healthy diet to todays lifestyle go. Especially popular is the training for bodybuilders. In this play perfectly coordinated training plans, customized diets (such as the low carb diet and a protein / amino acid-rich diet) and eating healthy foods a major role. Fatburners are particularly recommended in the definition phase, because during the mass phase muscles are built and in the definition phase of the excess fat to be broken down.
Yohimbine is a vasodilator, meaning it dilates blood vessels and thus the blood circulation is stimulated. The treatment of impotence or erectile dysfunction in men is the result. It also helps to increase sexual desire. What short order means that it can increase the sex drive (in women and men). In hypertension, it should therefore not be used to hardly! It is this, it inadvisable to use in combination with anti-depressants, tranquilizers, antihistamines, caffeine or amphetamines.
Origin of Yohimbe HCL
The origin of which must be an Rötegewächsen yohimbe tree is located in the tropical West Africa – specifically in Cameroon, southwestern Nigeria, in Gabon and in Congo. Already the oldest inhabitants of Africa use the valuable contents of leaves and bark as an effective aphrodisiac. The Masai used Yohimbe in their initiation rites in order to facilitate the step into adulthood male children. Both the Yohimbe Bark and Würzelstücke the tree was boiled in fresh bovine blood. After taking it often came to epilepsy-like convulsions Starr and consumers went through terrible horror visions and anxiety, which sometimes led to self-inflicted injuries, shootings and even up to death.
In Germany, the active ingredient of yohimbe HCL is used since 1980 in medicine. Besides aphrodisiac and psychedelic effects, Yohimbe has been known as antioxidant. Today in high potency drugs only extract yohimbe HCL is used and it has been demonstrated that the offered yohimbe bark only provides a minor ingredient. According to research Yohimbe acts vasodilatory, i.e. that it can support the body in the dilation of blood vessels, especially in the extremities. This can be treated and the Lipido improve both the man and the woman in the male impotence or erectile dysfunction.
Yohimbe as MAO inhibitors
Yohimbe has multiple effects on the body, which is not just beneficial to physical fitness. The active ingredient of yohimbe slows the enzyme “monoamine oxidase” (MAO short), which monoamines splits and degrades. Monoamines are for the body of great importance, since they contain the neurotransmitters noradrenaline, dopamine and happiness hormone seratonin. Due to its monoamine oxidase inhibitory effect yohimbe HCL increases the amount of monoamines in the brain. This leads firstly to a better mood on the other hand help dopamine and norepinephrine in an increased concentration. A similar effect has z. B. nicotine and the drug Ritalin. Ritalin is used to treat ADHD patients in whom the messengers dopamine and norepinephrine are not working properly. By the active ingredient of yohimbe also the hormone adrenaline is protected from degradation by the enzyme MAO. This allows the fat-burning properties implemented longer and the beta-receptors to be fully stimulated.
Yohimbe HCL is known to specifically degrade in the problem areas of fat. How this works? Actually very simple.
Each fat cell has various receptors, simply put various docking points, grant the fat cell called commands. This happens by activating or blocking these docking sites. Yohimbe HCLdockt exactly at these receptors and thus brings the fat cell to auszuschleusen body fat. This causes the fat cell is less and there is burning fat instead. Since having the problem areas very many of these cells is also at these places the fat burning at its highest since Yohimbe HCL exactly binds to these receptors and carries out his work. The result is really sensational! An enormously effective and rapid fat loss are the result of Yohimbe HCL.
Yohimbe HCL works best if you have little in the stomach. An intake between meals is therefore recommended. The best times are early in the morning before breakfast, and at night or right before training or before the movement. Who should uses Yohimbe HCL as a fat burner in addition to the diet and the administration time to ensure the maximum results from this product to pick up. the best intake time is how to spend the morning, at night and before training – if we took no carbohydrates to us and insulin levels are at their lowest. Especially advantageous is the diet with low carb food. A balanced yohimbine levels is essential for uniform fat loss.
If you, for example, 30 mg Yohimbe HCL per day are using could stop taking look like this:
10 mg Yohimbe HCL Supplement NIGHT
Here, the insulin level is very low and Yohimbe HCL can work very effectively. For some users, it was found that this “get fit” so at night Yohimbe HCL revenue that they have to get up in because they can not sleep. Who has not this problem should be the “Night dose” absolutely maintained. Otherwise, this revenue should be a little earlier.
10 mg Yohimbe HCL supplement between meals
It is important that the meals have fewer carbohydrates. Who takes many carbs and shortly thereafter Yohimbe HCL takes will benefit very little from this product.
10 mg Yohimbe HCL supplement before training
Yohimbe HCL promotes circulation and thus brings better pumps and strength during training. Furthermore, the muscles are better supplied with blood. In addition, Yohimbe HCL promotes overall turnover of calories -this makes your training at burning fat highly effective – is there burned a lot more calories!
Yohimbe helps the body during exercise to provide energy from the fat cells which in turn are provided for your fat burning! With regular use and simultaneous healthy diet the results are positive for their own motivation. The body has more energy both physically and mentally – a true workout booster.
Who but the first time Yohimbe HCL takes should start with a low dose as this product is highly effective! Begin Yohimbine HCL at 1/2 of the proposed dose to assess your tolerance.
For questions on the use, contact the manufacturer! Side effects can provide information of the manufacturer.
Blocking the alpha2 receptors
In the human body operates a number of receptor types. For Musekelaufbau are mainly two important: beta receptors and alpha 2 receptors.
The beta receptors are stimulated by hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline. The activity of these two hormones can be increased significantly by Gym. This fat can be successfully mined, the fatty acids must be released from the cells. This method is called lipolysis, which is stimulated by the beta-receptors. By the active ingredient of yohimbe also the hormone adrenaline is protected from degradation by the MAO enzyme. This allows the fat-burning properties implemented longer and the beta-receptors to be fully stimulated. This Yohimbe has a positive effect on fat metabolism.
The alpha 2 receptors working as a bouncer and thus block access to the fat cells. Inherently valuable emergency reserves to be protected against unauthorized access by fat metabolism. Most alpha 2 receptors are located in the problem areas on hips, buttocks, thighs and abdomen. These fat cells are not involved in the metabolism, physically they even have a different color than fresh grease. Yohimbine depends on the alpha2 receptors and thus makes it difficult to work. Stimulated by the beta-adrenergic lipolysis can use the not previously achievable fat cells to produce energy and reduce unsightly fat slowly. The impact is enormous – with additional cardio leads to faster weight loss.
Yohimbe aphrodisiac – good effect on impotence
According to a study Yohimbine is a vasodilator, meaning it dilates blood vessels and thus the blood circulation is stimulated. What short order means that it stimulates the desire or libido (in women and men). No more problems with Erectile Dysfunction – better sex in the partnership. In hypertension, it should therefore not be used to hardly! When taking Yohimbine in combination with anti-depressants, tranquilizers, antihistamines, caffeine or amphetamines caution.
- Yohimbe HCL is a fat burner extremely
- 10mg capsules / capsules / caps or 2.5 mg capsules / capsules / caps
- Optimum addition to diet
- For more information send us an email at we [email protected] answer you as soon as possible.
- Did you ask for Shipping? Then click here >>
- Yohimbe HCl has an excellent effect and is supportive for your diet
- Yohimbe HCl as extreme training booster and fat burner extremely
- Also known as: Yohimbine HCL | Yohimbe | Yohimbim | Yohimbine HCL
The dosage should be strictly adhered to. the maximum dose of 0.2 mg / kg body weight is recommended per day.
Side effects when taking Yohimbe HCL
Yohimbe HCL especially helps men with erection problems and impotence. When taking up the pure Yohimbine should be ensured that caffeine-containing foods should be removed from the diet. The active ingredient of pure Yohimbine already has a strong stimulating effect on the body. The alkaloid caffeine would very stressing the body. Other side effects that may occur with the use of yohimbe, include irritability, nausea, depression and dizziness.
Yohimbe HCL now buy at a bargain price!
The reason why sell Yohimbe HCL to such a reasonable price, we is that we obtain these directly from the manufacturers and our customers to pass on this benefit! We are happy you email available, just write us about Yohimbe or bodybuilding and we will reply shortly !!! [email protected]
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